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省委常委会召开会议 传达学习习近平总书记有关重要讲话精神和中央有关会议精神 听取全省疫情防控等工作情况汇报 决定召开中共四川省委十二届二次全会

The device can be connected to digital debugging platform and handheld terminal PAD via wireless network,Connected to the in-vehicle network via MVB or TRDP,It can realize the function debugging with the bicycle network module,It can also take the initiative to control the bicycle subsystem host to complete the subsystem function debugging,Down through Ethernet and intelligent tooling interconnection, interworking,Control other intelligent tooling to make corresponding actions,To realize the goal of systematization and intelligentization of field debugging equipment。

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黄强主持召开省政府党组(扩大)会议 传达学习习近平总书记有关重要讲话精神 研究省政府党组贯彻落实举措

The device can be connected to digital debugging platform and handheld terminal PAD via wireless network,Connected to the in-vehicle network via MVB or TRDP,It can realize the function debugging with the bicycle network module,It can also take the initiative to control the bicycle subsystem host to complete the subsystem function debugging,Down through Ethernet and intelligent tooling interconnection, interworking,Control other intelligent tooling to make corresponding actions,To realize the goal of systematization and intelligentization of field debugging equipment。

Home/News/Provincial Government Information

The theoretical study center group of the provincial government Party Group held a special study meeting

The device can be connected to digital debugging platform and handheld terminal PAD via wireless network,Connected to the in-vehicle network via MVB or TRDP,It can realize the function debugging with the bicycle network module,It can also take the initiative to control the bicycle subsystem host to complete the subsystem function debugging,Down through Ethernet and intelligent tooling interconnection, interworking,Control other intelligent tooling to make corresponding actions,To realize the goal of systematization and intelligentization of field debugging equipment。

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Sichuan Luzhou Port Co., Ltd. trailer tire procurement project

The device can be connected to digital debugging platform and handheld terminal PAD via wireless network,Connected to the in-vehicle network via MVB or TRDP,It can realize the function debugging with the bicycle network module,It can also take the initiative to control the bicycle subsystem host to complete the subsystem function debugging,Down through Ethernet and intelligent tooling interconnection, interworking,Control other intelligent tooling to make corresponding actions,To realize the goal of systematization and intelligentization of field debugging equipment。


Sichuan Luzhou Port Co., LTD. Dispatching command center building fire system installation project

The device can be connected to digital debugging platform and handheld terminal PAD via wireless network,Connected to the in-vehicle network via MVB or TRDP,It can realize the function debugging with the bicycle network module,It can also take the initiative to control the bicycle subsystem host to complete the subsystem function debugging,Down through Ethernet and intelligent tooling interconnection, interworking,Control other intelligent tooling to make corresponding actions,To realize the goal of systematization and intelligentization of field debugging equipment。


The provincial transport trade union and the provincial Shipping Maritime Center organized a team to Luzhou Port "warm heart home" to carry out warm activities

The device can be connected to digital debugging platform and handheld terminal PAD via wireless network,Connected to the in-vehicle network via MVB or TRDP,It can realize the function debugging with the bicycle network module,It can also take the initiative to control the bicycle subsystem host to complete the subsystem function debugging,Down through Ethernet and intelligent tooling interconnection, interworking,Control other intelligent tooling to make corresponding actions,To realize the goal of systematization and intelligentization of field debugging equipment。

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In 2022, the field promotion activities of major investment attraction projects in Sichuan Province were held and Huang Qiang started the construction of the project

The device can be connected to digital debugging platform and handheld terminal PAD via wireless network,Connected to the in-vehicle network via MVB or TRDP,It can realize the function debugging with the bicycle network module,It can also take the initiative to control the bicycle subsystem host to complete the subsystem function debugging,Down through Ethernet and intelligent tooling interconnection, interworking,Control other intelligent tooling to make corresponding actions,To realize the goal of systematization and intelligentization of field debugging equipment。

Home/News/Provincial Government Information

Wang Xiaohui presided over the fourth meeting of the provincial Ecological and Environmental Protection Committee to emphasize the coordination of carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green growth and unswervently take the road of ecological priority green low-carbon high-quality development Huang Qiang attended and spoke

The device can be connected to digital debugging platform and handheld terminal PAD via wireless network,Connected to the in-vehicle network via MVB or TRDP,It can realize the function debugging with the bicycle network module,It can also take the initiative to control the bicycle subsystem host to complete the subsystem function debugging,Down through Ethernet and intelligent tooling interconnection, interworking,Control other intelligent tooling to make corresponding actions,To realize the goal of systematization and intelligentization of field debugging equipment。

Home/News/Provincial Government Information

Sichuan held the second video scheduling meeting of the national natural resources inspector feedback problem rectification work adhere to problem-oriented and pay close attention to the rectification landing effective

The device can be connected to digital debugging platform and handheld terminal PAD via wireless network,Connected to the in-vehicle network via MVB or TRDP,It can realize the function debugging with the bicycle network module,It can also take the initiative to control the bicycle subsystem host to complete the subsystem function debugging,Down through Ethernet and intelligent tooling interconnection, interworking,Control other intelligent tooling to make corresponding actions,To realize the goal of systematization and intelligentization of field debugging equipment。

Home/News/Provincial Government Information

The Strategic Cooperation Joint meeting of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality was held in Chengdu to go all out to improve the level of public services in Sichuan-Chongqing region

The device can be connected to digital debugging platform and handheld terminal PAD via wireless network,Connected to the in-vehicle network via MVB or TRDP,It can realize the function debugging with the bicycle network module,It can also take the initiative to control the bicycle subsystem host to complete the subsystem function debugging,Down through Ethernet and intelligent tooling interconnection, interworking,Control other intelligent tooling to make corresponding actions,To realize the goal of systematization and intelligentization of field debugging equipment。

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